Tuesday, December 20, 2005

5 things...

Ok, so awhile back I was tagged by drmeans to post 5 weird habits/characteristics of myself. I know I'm quite weird, but it took some time to come up with the following items. Sorry for the delay, dr means. Here you go:

1. I am pretty much anti-condiment. I dislike ketchup, mayonaise, mustard, barbeque sauce, salad dressing, etc. My husband is also bewildered that I love peanut butter but hate peanuts! (rather, all nuts). I say it's no different from those that love ketchup but hate tomatos, but he says it's different.
2. I dislike belly buttons very much. I don't know why or when it started, but it makes me squeamish.
3. I have never had cable TV - ever. I was going to post instead that I went without having a TV for two years in college, but Adam though it was more impressive to go without having cable for a lifetime than going without a TV for a few years. Whatever.
4. I have been accused of treating my cat like a human being. I admit I do fall into the trap of anthropomorphism - that is, assigning human characteristics (and even speech) to animals. However, my excuse is that I'm practicing for taking care of our future child. Or something.
5. I am at the same time both a neat freak and a complete slob. Also, I highly value being on time but am often late. How I've managed to pull off having these contradictory characteristics, I don't know, but it sure creates a lot of havoc in my life!

There... how's that? I hereby authorize anyone else that thinks of anything else weird about me to add to my list. I know there's more... I am weird, I just can't think of any more examples :)