Monday, September 26, 2005


to Krispy Kreme donuts :( I'll miss you!
(I tried to upload their logo to my post but for some reason the image upload thing won't work).
Guess it's back to Shipleys. Or something... *sigh*

In other matters, did you know you can get injured flying a kite? (And I'm not talking about by being stupid and flying one during a lightning storm). On Saturday I was flying a kite with some friends and family, and the wind was so strong that the string got wrapped around my ring finger, and then because my of my ring I was not able to get the string off and it squeezed my finger so tight I lost complete circulation and got a bit of a rope burn as well. For a few seconds I seriously thought I was going to lose my finger, until my dad came running over to help. 2 days later and I still have no feeling in the tip of my finger! Who knew...